Emergency Preparedness - Getting Started

I'm going to start from the perspective of someone who never even thought or considered being prepared for an emergency. Getting started is very simple. I don't want you to go out and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on food and supplies. Let's start out with what you have at your home. Go to your Kitchen. Most people have a "Junk Drawer" usually there; note the contents. Next make a note of all the dry food you have in your pantry and cabinets. Go to your Bathroom. Make a note of all the medications and first aid products you have. Go to your work area or garage. Make a note of all the tools have. Go around your house and see how many blankets you have. Go to your Bedroom. Do you have sufficient clothing from head to toe to keep yourself comfortable in pouring down rain and/or extremely cold temperatures? Are all your important documents in one area, secure and protected? Security - Do you feel safe in and around your home? Do you use a backpack or pocketbook when you leave the house? If so note the contents. If you engage in any outdoors activities make a note of the gear you use. Do you have kids? Note all the items they use that you don't. Do you have pets? Note all the food and supplies you have for them. If you use a vehicle note all the contents you keep in there on a regular basis.

Here is a list of the basic supplies you should have:

Kitchen - Flashlight, batteries, candles, lighter, duct tape, screwdriver (Flat and Phillips), box cutter, trash bags, zip locks, saran wrap, tin foil, paper towels, canned food, can opener, rice, pasta, peanut buttter, honey, sugar, flour, spices and water bottles.

Bathroom - Band aids, Pain and Stomach Medicine, Rubbing Alcohol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Petroleum Jelly, Soap, Shampoo and toothpaste.

Bedroom and Around the House - Rain jackets and boots, winter jackets, warm hats, gloves and boots, scarf, wool socks and blankets (100% wool are great). The easiest way I found to knock this out in one shot is to find out what people wear while skiing.

Fire Extinguisher - Most people don't have this basic item!

Work area or Garage - The main thing here is having every piece of hand tools. Also things like work gloves and plastic lining are important.

Important Documents - Make sure all your important documents are protected and in one area. I keep mine in a fire proof box. I also scanned my most important ones into digital format and back them up

Security - Make sure your home is secured at all times. Install a home security system. Learn Martial Arts. Obtain some defensive weapons. If you don't want to get elaborate then a bat and/or machete should work well.

EDC (Every Day Carry) - This can be your backpack or pocketbook. I don't want to get too involved at this time but this will be an entire post in the future. Basically it's thing's you use everyday while your away from home, like water bottle, knife, hygiene items etc. You also add things like a First Aid Kit, extra clothes, food, water etc.

Outdoor Gear - If you engage in outdoor activities then the gear you use will be very beneficial in Emergency Preparedness, mainly if you need to leave the house. If you camp and backpack then you will be ahead of the game with the more advanced gear and supplies I will be mentioning in future posts.

Kids and Pets - Yes, I'm combining the two because pet owners know their pets are like kids :) Make sure you have extra items they use on a regular basis set aside. Things like medications, toys, games, food and water. Also cleaning items like wipes, paper towels and trash bags to clean up their messes. For cats extra Kitty Litter.

Vehicle - Items you should have in your car should be an escape tool, jumper cables, car jump start battery, tire pressure gauge, fire extinguisher, road flares, frost scrapper, umbrella, blanket, extra clothing, rain jacket, first aid kit, survival kit, gloves, duct tape, flashlight, tools, food and water.

Final thought

What is mentioned here are basic items everyone should have. This will be a good indicator of where you stand at the moment. Future posts will include more detailed information, go into specific areas and include Intermediate to Advanced situations, techniques, supplies and gear.