
COVID-19 Week 4 in Quarantine

Now that I haven't left my property in a month I ventured outside to get more food. I was able to live off the food in my refrigerator and freezer for 3 weeks. The last week I had to use mostly canned and dried food. I got very bored of not having all the fresh tasty things. My favorite dry product was rice and cream of chicken. I don't like the ramen noodles too much. Regarding any other… [read more →]

COVID-19 Weeks 2 & 3 in Quarantine

I missed a week so I'm combining both into one post. As far my daily routines and life for myself nothing major has changed. Now that it's been 3 weeks I still have food in freezer and refrigerator. I used only a few items from my dry storage. The weather has been great. My IT job has been pretty busy. One thing I do notice is my phone browsing the web times out a lot. That never happened this… [read more →]

COVID-19 Week 1 in Quarantine

This will be a weekly update on my personal experience during the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2019-2020. The virus started in China in late 2019. It wasn't officially recognized as an emergency in the US until recently. The general instructions right now is to stay inside and only go out for essentials. It is recommended to social distance yourself from others 6 feet. Many Americans are not listening… [read more →]