Emergency Water Storage

Water is one of the most important and abundant resources on the planet yet the state of it at any given time makes it unusable most of the time. We take it for granted since the water companies provide us with unlimited treated water from our sinks to public establishments. Have you ever had the water suddenly stop? Just like electricity when the water stops things become real very fast. No running water means no drinking, limited food preparation, cleanliness and hygiene issues. If you don't have any water stored obtaining a constant source of water free of contaminants and bacteria will be extremely difficult. Before I begin let's assume you didn't plan and the water is out. Are you screwed? The answer is NO! Go to your Hot Water Heater. You will notice at the bottom there is a spicket. Guess what? You have at least 40 Gallons of potable water. It's safe to drink in emergencies; just make sure it's clear of debris.

Water Tub Bladder

The first thing you should obtain for water storage is a Water Tub Bladder (There are many names for it but I think that one says it all). It's a device that you put in your bathtub and fill. It will take up all the space and comes with a pump so you can dispense the water once filled. They can hold 60-100 gallons. The main purpose is to use only in emergencies since you wont be able to take showers once this is deployed.

Bottled Water

Next up I like the idea of stocking up on several cases of bottled water. I recommended getting the generic grocery store brands. They can be as low as $3 a case. I drink bottled water frequently so they are constantly being rotated out. I get in the habit of buying a couple cases every 2 weeks or so to keep supplied.

Water Containers

My favorite water storage solutions are containers that are made for long term water storage. The ones I use and recommend are - Reliance Products Aqua-Tainer 7 Gallon Rigid Water Container. They are perfect for folks who live in smaller homes/apartments. They are well build. You can even use them for any outdoor events like camping. For folks that are very serious about this subject and/or have the room I recommend getting very large non-portable water storage containers. They make them for 55 gallons and up. The main disadvantage gong this route is they are expensive (hundreds of dollars).

Rain Catcher

If you own your own home then having a Rain Catcher is a great idea. You can obtain the smaller garden ones, buld your own or get the Industrial size Rain Barrels.

Water Purification

The water you store in your home from most of the above methods wont require you to purify before consumption. However water from the outside should be purified first. Here are the most common methods.

  • Boiling (I recommend a small alcohol stove for safe use indoors. Water should be be at a rolling boil for at least 1 minute before it's purified. If the water is cloudy filter it first with a coffee filter or cloth)
  • Bleach (Make sure it's non-scented and contains 8.25% sodium hypochlorite. Use 2 drops per quart and let stand for 30 minutes. Again if the water is cloudy filter it).
  • Water Purification tablets
  • Water Purification straw
  • Water Purification devices (There are a multitude of different devices out that you can stock up on to purify water. They are mainly used for outdoors but having them on hand will make purifying water very easy).

Final Tought

Storing water in your home should be a high priority on your Emergency Preparedness list. Fortunately it's the easiest and least expensive of preps. Just make sure you don't use the emergency water supply you have stocked until needed.